Zylpha Adds Seneca and Mattersphere Case Management Integrations to Its Bundling Technology

Zylpha Adds Seneca and Mattersphere Case Management Integrations to Its Bundling Technology

Leading legal systems innovator Zylpha (www.zylpha.com) has added Seneca and Mattersphere case management integrations to the latest version of its acclaimed document bundling software, version 4.8. The software allows legal practices to assemble and deliver secure legal documents, court bundles, deal bibles and contracts at a fraction of the cost and time required through manual processes. Zylpha’s electronic bundling also delivers significant storage, stationery and courier savings. The new Se

Robots Take Over Electronic Bundling at Lambeth

Robots Take Over Electronic Bundling at Lambeth

Following a customer enquiry from the London Borough of Lambeth, Zylpha (www.zylpha.com) the UK’s leading innovator of electronic document bundling technology, has launched a ‘Bundling Robot’. The new system is the latest addition to the company’s widely acclaimed range of integration tools for LexisNexis Visualfiles.

The robot enables high-speed background bundling automation within Visualfiles, whilst allowing the system’s users to carry on with other pressing matters simultaneously. This sa

Digital Courtrooms Selected For G-Cloud 8

Digital Courtrooms Selected For G-Cloud 8

Leading UK court technology innovator Digital Courtrooms (www.digitalcourtrooms.co.uk) is now available as a supplier on G-Cloud 8, the Crown Commercial Service–s procurement framework for Cloud based computer services, hosted via the Digital Marketplace.

The Crown Commercial Service (CCS) works with both departments and organisations across the whole of the public sector to ensure maximum value is extracted from every commercial relationship and to improve the quality of service delivery. Th

Zylpha Adds NetDocs Integration To Its Bundling Technology

Zylpha Adds NetDocs Integration To Its Bundling Technology

Zylpha (www.zylpha.com) the UK’s leading legal systems innovator has integrated its bundling technology with NetDocuments, the Security as a Service system for Cloud based document and email management. The Zylpha integration will enable NetDocuments users to produce secure high-quality court and other bundles in a fraction of the time taken previously.

To ensure optimum usability, the all new ‘ground up’ integration provides bundling users with the same familiar look and feel as NetDocuments i