PROVIDENCE, RI — (Marketwired) — 05/11/16 — has introduced a full line of laser-grade zinc selenide (ZnSe) optics that can be fabricated to specification for medical laser OEMs.are fabricated to OEM specification in 0.5" and 0.75" sizes and can be supplied with dual-band and reflectance coatings up to 95% on each side. Optimized at 1064 nm for Nd:Yag lasers, these optics include plano-convex and plane-parallel discs, output couplers, and mirrors.Featuring 40-20 scratch-dig surface
PROVIDENCE, RI — (Marketwired) — 01/13/15 — is offering a new overstock custom laser optics parts list featuring several hundred different configurations of optics available for overnight delivery.The includes over 400 types of lenses, turning mirrors, output couplers, , beam combiners and more that are first-quality optics resulting from production overruns. Materials include , fused silica, copper, silicon, and germanium in 0.5" to 2.0" O.D. and 15 mm to 50 mm O.D. sizes and in