City Saves Over One Million Dollars by Switching to Business VoIP, Announces

City Saves Over One Million Dollars by Switching to Business VoIP, Announces

SAN DIEGO, CA — (Marketwired) — 11/20/13 — Communication within a bureaucracy is paramount, however it no longer needs to be expensive, thanks to cheap VoIP solutions. The executive policy committee (EPC) of Winnipeg, Canada, has decided to switch their city phone provider from traditional telephony provider, MTS, to a business VoIP service. The experts at Winnipeg stands to save over $1.5 million in the next five years, due to the more affordable service that provides.Though MTS objected Announces Top Small Business Phone Deals That Will Blow Your Mind Announces Top Small Business Phone Deals That Will Blow Your Mind

SEATTLE, WA — (Marketwired) — 11/17/13 — The proverbial race to the bottom has begun in regards to the falling prices of business phone systems. The business providers have taken the lead in this race, with lower prices than ever before. With each VoIP provider trying to distinguish itself as the cheapest business phone provider, the real winner, in the end, will be the consumer.The free market economy is at work in the provider industry, and the VoIP experts have been s