A brand new GIF sourcing and posting software entitled Push Button Traffic 2.0 has been launched to help marketers or business owners looking to tap into viral Facebook traffic and grow their social media presence.
Rohan Chaudhari and Harshal Jadhav have announced the release of VidViral. This new cloud-based app helps users create viral videos out of normal videos by adding engaging headers, footers, images and CTA texts.
Tom Yevsikov has recently released a new professional web design builder. OmniEngine allows users to create and design viral sites; optimize websites for higher conversions and sales.
A convenient Facebook content creation software entitled Simply Viral was launched by Abhi Dwivedi to help fellow marketers and business owners automate their Facebook content creation efforts and publish the most viral, trending and engaging content online on their pages and groups.
RewardLeads a new cloud-based software has just been released. The software allows users to run an automated marketing loyalty program, generate convertible leads, build viral lists, and drive opt-ins and sales.
iCool Multipurpose Templates, a new video PowerPoint presentation product for business, including 20 unique templates with animations, outros & intros, smooth transitions, viral quotes and an HD video tutorial to help create professional looking presentations in minutes, has been released.
Split Social is a new Facebook marketing application (via Wordpress plugin) created by software developers Alex Costan and Stephen Gilbert. It–s promise is to revolutionize Facebook viral contests. In a detailed Split Social review, KarlsReviews.com puts the new software to the test.
The YouTube channel of Burger Fiction has yet again come out with another interesting video, showing its users and subscribers a host of interesting places where they can stick their GoPro device. A GoPro device is HD personal camera that can be used for multiple purposes. it is small, portable and can be places anywhere, from your front door to a drone, and this video shows users some interesting ways by which such a camera can be placed in different (unconventional) loca