SociVideo Jukebox is a new posting app that auto-fills an account–s queue by scheduling posts and content. Launched by Bill Murray, the software helps to increase users– social media traffic and engagement. In order to keep content constant, the app will recycle already-used content.
A new trade journal technology (#FinTech) being known as, "The Hedge Fund Trading Tool For Every Trader" is launching and changing the game for small firms and independent traders. Save time and money getting the analytics and reports used by large firms.
SpyStream Pro, a new Wordpress plugin that monitors visitor behaviour, has just launched, allowing users to see exactly what people click on when they land on a site. This can be used to help improve a website and make sure it meets client needs.
A new product has launched called Easy Sketch Pro, allowing users to design their own doodle videos using a simple drag and drop interface. These can be used for marketing or promotion, and can help increase sales for any company by up to 337%.
My First Online Payday is allowing its members access to the highly rated automated matching trading software, which has been used by the expert investment bankers for past decade and now been released for the common public use. Visit here –
Health and beauty company Nourish Beaute, is proud to announce that they are currently working on a new hair growth accelerating serum. The BURST Growth Accelerating Serum will be used to complement their existing shampoo and conditioner designed to encourage hair growth.