Kylie Flavell Relies on PROMISE Technology and HP to Overcome the Pressure of Filming and Editing on the Road
Filmmaker and Travel TV Host Works With PROMISE Pegasus2 and HP Z Workstations to Simply and Accelerate Her Workflow
Filmmaker and Travel TV Host Works With PROMISE Pegasus2 and HP Z Workstations to Simply and Accelerate Her Workflow
Pegasus2 R2+ Recognized for Its Exceptional Versatility and Speed
Pegasus2 M4 SSD and SANLink2 10G SFP+ Put Power of Thunderbolt 2 Technology Into Content Creators– Hands
New Direct Attached Storage Solution Delivers Blistering Speed, Mobility, and Versatility to Creative Professionals and Multimedia Enthusiasts
New Solutions Deliver Unprecedented Performance and Flexibility to Creative Professionals and 4K Workflows
AUSTIN, TX — (Marketwired) — 10/14/13 — BOXX Technologies, the leading innovator of high-performance computer workstations and rendering systems, today introduced the , a new, compact, professional workstation featuring an overclocked Intel® Core i7 processor and Thunderbolt 2 technology. Thunderbolt is a revolutionary I/O technology that supports high-res displays and high performance data devices simultaneously through a single, compact port. Thunderbolt 2 provides substantial performa
PROMISE Pegasus2 Series Delivers Thunderbolt 2 Speeds for Creative Workflows and 4K Environments