Moehrendorf, 28 July 2016 – “Testing properly – Testing what matters”: Every software QA expert would probably agree with this postulation. But what are the main factors when it comes to dealing with quality assurance and checking the decisive factors? The Software-QS-Tag 2016 provides specific directives for action and new insights from industry, business and research. Germany’s leading conference for SW quality assurance and testing takes place in Nuremberg on 3rd and 4th November.
Moehrendorf, 23 May 2016 – IT systems are usually complex. Graphic models help to control this complexity, however – this also applies to software testing. The so-called model-based testing (MBT) automatizes the designs of test procedures. imbus consults companies on if and where in the respective test procedure the approach can generate benefits.
Moehrendorf, 25 February 2016 – It does not matter which software project one happens to be dealing with: Increasingly efficient products shall be developed and maintained in less time by smaller teams. In order to achieve this, quality assurance and testing need to concentrate on the decisive factors – without losing their effectiveness. That’s why this year’s Software-QS-Tag is entitled “Testing properly – Testing what matters”. The call for papers is now underway.
Moehrendorf, 9 August 2013 – Easy test specification, integrated version management, clear test reports: The TestBench with all its functions is now also available as a cloud solution – stored in the infrastructure at imbus.