Global Standard for Outdoor Lighting Control Getting Ready for Launch
Successful first plug fest of TALQ Test Tool
Successful first plug fest of TALQ Test Tool
Piscataway, New Jersey – July 28, 2015 – The TALQ Consortium, an organization developing a global standard for software interfaces to manage outdoor lighting networks, assists municipalities in ensuring the integrity of their tendering procedures. By publishing a ‘Pocket Guide for Smart Outdoor Lighting Tenders’ TALQ offers decision makers an excellent basis for compiling forward-looking, cost and energy saving tenders. The first edition of the Pocket Guide is available End of July 2015.
The world of gaming continues to come up with one-after-the-other gorgeous and action-packed gaming creations with Street Fighter IV Fightpad making most of the noise at present. For all those who are die-hard gamers; you definitely would have heard this name quite frequently, but for the novice gamers; Street Fighter IV is a 2008 action-packed fighting game produced by Capcom.