Smart Tendering for Smart Cities – TALQ Consortium publishes Pocket Guide for Smart Outdoor Lighting Tenders

Piscataway, New Jersey – July 28, 2015 – The TALQ Consortium, an organization developing a global standard for software interfaces to manage outdoor lighting networks, assists municipalities in ensuring the integrity of their tendering procedures. By publishing a ‘Pocket Guide for Smart Outdoor Lighting Tenders’ TALQ offers decision makers an excellent basis for compiling forward-looking, cost and energy saving tenders. The first edition of the Pocket Guide is available End of July 2015.

Street Fighter IV Fightpad promises you to entertain in 2009

The world of gaming continues to come up with one-after-the-other gorgeous and action-packed gaming creations with Street Fighter IV Fightpad making most of the noise at present. For all those who are die-hard gamers; you definitely would have heard this name quite frequently, but for the novice gamers; Street Fighter IV is a 2008 action-packed fighting game produced by Capcom.