SGI Opens European Joint Research Centre in Collaboration With the Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre

European Researchers to Conduct Complex Research With SGI HPC Solutions
European Researchers to Conduct Complex Research With SGI HPC Solutions
Complete Flash Storage Portfolio Support for NetApp Docker Volume Plug-In Provides Customers Solid-State Performance With True Deployment Flexibility
AltaVault Enables NASA to Protect Mission-Critical Data, Optimize Cloud Footprint and Drive Down Cost
New System Extends Existing Computing Resources to Manage Increased Data Analysis and Machine Learning Demands
New Metalogix IT Survey Finds Countries in the DACH Region Are Three-Times More Concerned About the Implications of GDPR in the Cloud
PX-Enterprise Delivers Blazing Performance While Reducing Costs by 70 Percent Versus Legacy Storage Solutions
Latest Product Releases Include a Virtual Appliance Management Server, RDM Support, Performance Analysis Reports, and Usability Enhancements Derived from Over 800 Paying Customers
SUNNYVALE, CA — (Marketwired) — 06/09/16 — According to the IDC Q1 2016 Worldwide Quarterly Enterprise Storage Systems Tracker, NetApp (NASDAQ: NTAP) is growing much faster than the all flash array market as a whole and has gained market share versus the competition.Key NetApp highlights:Per IDC, NetApp all flash array revenue grew 238.2% year over year, 2.7 times faster than the market growth of 87.4% year over year.Per IDC, NetApp moved to #2 from #4 in the tracker quarter over quarter, wi
Strategic Agreement Brings Together HPE and GE IoT Technologies and Expertise to Deliver Predix Capabilities at the Edge
Formation–s Enhances Flagship Software-Defined Storage Platform Recovers Unused VM "Stranded" Storage to Deliver Massive Economic Savings and Efficiency