IT security – The challenge of digitalization: imbus consulting and testing for the protection of software-based systems

IT security – The challenge of digitalization: imbus consulting and testing for the protection of software-based systems

Moehrendorf, 5 October 2017 – Cyber-attacks have become a daily threat in business as well as in private life. Manufacturers and operators of software-based systems have to protect critical areas and meet industry relevant compliance guidelines. imbus provides powerful strategies and solutions that make IT more secure.

There is an election at the Software-QS-Tag, too: Participants submit proposals for the focus of the conference 2018

There is an election at the Software-QS-Tag, too: Participants submit proposals for the focus of the conference 2018

Moehrendorf, 25 September 2017 – For 25 years, the Software-QS-Tag – the leading conference for software QA and testing in Germany – addresses itself each time to a new forward-looking guiding theme from the area of IT quality assurance. So who could know better, what currently taxes the brains of the community, than the community itself? That’s why the online brainstorming for the focus of Software-QS-Tag 2018 starts in the same-named XING group today. Participants of this year’s event as well

Clear-sighted testing of autonomous systems: Software-QS-Tag 2017 with keynotes from Prof Dr Dr Frank Kirchner and Anders Indset

Clear-sighted testing of autonomous systems: Software-QS-Tag 2017 with keynotes from Prof Dr Dr Frank Kirchner and Anders Indset

Moehrendorf, 6 September 2017 – Complexity inevitably increases in a smart digital world characterized by evolution, innovation and disruption. At this year’s Software-QS-Tag, the keynotes deliver the knowledge to master the challenges of the Digital Transformation in a clear-sighted way.

The equipment for the Digital Transformation: Technical exhibition of service providers and tool vendors at Software-QS-Tag

The equipment for the Digital Transformation: Technical exhibition of service providers and tool vendors at Software-QS-Tag

Moehrendorf, 14 July 2017 – Testing experts face new contexts, new user stories and last but not least new potential defects within the Digital Transformation. Every single digital product and application has to function reliably – at low developing costs and shortest developing time. Suitable tools and the right service partners help to master these challenges.

Smart quality assurance for intelligent IT: The Software-QS-Tag 2017 provides knowhow, tools and best practices

Smart quality assurance for intelligent IT: The Software-QS-Tag 2017 provides knowhow, tools and best practices

Moehrendorf, 14 June 2017 – Today, every single business unit in every company is affected by accelerated digital transformation: from using new digital infrastructures and developing digital applications to digital business models and value-adding networks. The digital transformation invades the private sphere at a very high pace – everything becomes smart. The Software-QS-Tag discusses the challenges for QA and testing in this development – and it shows how to master them.

More time for the core business, imbus handles the test: Managed Services offer flexible near-shore outsourcing

More time for the core business, imbus handles the test: Managed Services offer flexible near-shore outsourcing

Moehrendorf, 28 April 2017 – The shortage of skilled professionals becomes more and more apparent in the software quality assurance sector. There is a lack of top trained IT professionals. In addition to that, many QA managers face the challenge of capacity problems when demand peaks. imbus Managed Services provide individual solutions for all software testing tasks.

The building block principle for software testing: Part five of ISO 29119 provides instructions for keyword-driven testing

The building block principle for software testing: Part five of ISO 29119 provides instructions for keyword-driven testing

Moehrendorf, 24 February 2017 – Everybody, who used to play with building blocks as a child, knows: It’s easy to replace the blocks in a construction with other blocks in order to create something new. Keyword-driven testing turns this principle to account. Due to reusable elements, test automations become more flexible, efficient and maintenance-friendly. The newest part of the series of norms ISO/IEC/IEEE shows how to implement keyword-driven testing.

Digital transformation – evolution, innovation, disruption: The call for papers for the Software-QS-Tag 2017 is now underway

Digital transformation – evolution, innovation, disruption: The call for papers for the Software-QS-Tag 2017 is now underway

Moehrendorf, 16 February 2017 – From new digital infrastructures, applications to business models and value-adding networks: Networked systems and technologies for industrial and leisure uses make daily life increasingly smarter. Quality assurance of intelligent IT is the key to success in this transformation. That’s why this year’s Software-QS-Tag is entitled “Digital Transformation – Evolution, Innovation, Disruption”. The call for papers is out now.

Always a quality step ahead: imbus – solution partner for software QA and testing – celebrates its 25th anniversary

Always a quality step ahead: imbus – solution partner for software QA and testing – celebrates its 25th anniversary

Moehrendorf 30 January 2017 – The IT sector is developing at a phenomenal pace – and it will continue to do so as shown by the trend study “The Future of Testing”. imbus, a leading solution partner for software quality assurance and testing, has been keeping pace with this evolution for the last 25 years and, what is even more, continues to advance further innovations. All this is reason enough to take a brief look in the company’s past and future.

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