A Well Run Life announced the availability of their new Free App on iOS and Android "Booger Flick" beginning October 31st, 2016. Sign up for more information at https://app.convertkit.com/landing_pages/81501?v=6.
Technical and Enterprise Support Providers looking for a product to address eliminating data loss can sign up for the Jessica Anders beta to get early access and help shape development.
Restaurants, food trucks, spas, salons, shops, and other local retail businesses looking for a product to address Generating consistent repeat business and increasing customer loyalty can sign up for the MobiPunchCards.com beta to get early access and help shape development.
Within the first ten years since its inception, signotec GmbH has become a market and technology leading company in the development and manufacture of signature pads and accompanying software. For company founders Arne Brandes, Gunther Hagner and Wolfgang Specht, ongoing development is essential and also will play a significant role in the company’s future and its continued success. By adapting to newly available technologies and changing customer needs, the company has remained innovative and f