RFID File Tracking System optimizes file inventory management

RFID File Tracking System optimizes file inventory management

DAILY RFID, has launched a RFID file tracking system for files inventory management. This RFID file tracking system realizes files real-time tracking and identification without complicated procedures.

This RFID file tracking system, basing on HF, integrates RFID smart labels and handheld RFID reader to allow automated identification of circulating files, thus not only saving the time, enhancing security as well.

With the HF rfid label adhesive on each file, information such as its location, t

RFID Reader for Inventory:simplify Inventory Management process

RFID Reader for Inventory:simplify Inventory Management process

DAILY RFID has recently unveiled HF RFID Reader DL5510 with a long read range of up to 60cm, specially designed for inventory management. With this 13.56MHz rfid reader integrated into RFID inventory system, there is no need to make an inventory by individual scanning while keeping accurate counts of the inventory.

Integrated HF RFID reader into the RFID inventory system, not only does it reduce inaccuracies of inventory but also simplify the inventory mangement process. It has a fast tag proce

Latest RFID reader for RFID Inventory Management System

Latest RFID reader for RFID Inventory Management System

DAILY RFID ( www.rfid-in-china.com ) has released their latest RFID reader DL5510 HF RFID reader for RFID inventory management system.

The HF RFID Reader DL5510 enables entire trays of tagged item to be simultaneously scanned into an RFID-enabled inventory management system.Not only does it eliminate the need for individual scanning and reduce inaccuracies of inventory; it also makes the inventory simple.

Using advanced anti-collision algorithm, the integrated DL5510 RFID devices allow tag pr