RFID Asset Management Solution presented by DAILY

RFID Asset Management Solution presented by DAILY

DAILY RFID has released a cost-effective RFID Asset Management solution, designed to track and manage mobile and fixed assets in respond to the considerable attention RFID has drawn to asset management.

This RFID asset management solution, operating at 13.56MHz, can help companies to track and secure critical assets – with few human intervention. The asset management solution, integrates RFID asset tags and multi-tag RFID reader, providing an easy means for fast, unique asset identification in

DAILY customizes RFID Asset Tracking solution device

DAILY customizes RFID Asset Tracking solution device

Asset tracking is always on look out for cost-effective RFID solutions which can improve overall visibility. In order to cater for the demands, DAILY RFID has released RFID Asset Tracking solution, designed to track and manage mobile and fixed assets through automatic asset tracking.

This RFID asset tracking solution, basing on 13.56MHz, can apply to where the relatively medium range – up to 90cm – is adequate. It can automatically keep track of assets as they move in and out of an area, regard