NEW YORK, NY — (Marketwire) — 03/29/12 — QT Talk Inc., a leader in prepaid international long-distance, has unveiled a new feature that allows subscribers of its Pure Minutes International Calling service to make international calls in one simple step. QT Talk announces Speed Dialing as a further expansion to its technology. Subscribed callers would normally dial a QT Talk local access number to make an international call. Through modern "Automatic Caller Identification" software,
NEW YORK, NY — (Marketwire) — 11/18/11 — QT Talk Incorporated, a leader in prepaid international mobile long-distance, unveiled an update to its Pure Minutes cutting-edge mobile applications for the Android and Apple smartphones. These mobile applications allow the user to make international phone calls from their mobile handset with ease and efficiency. These callers who were once victims of calling cards and exorbitant rates are now able to call their loved ones and business associates at