SPOT Satellite Technology Delivers Peace of Mind for Outdoor Enthusiasts with 1,000 Rescues Initiated in Canada – over 3,500 Rescues Worldwide

SPOT Satellite Technology Delivers Peace of Mind for Outdoor Enthusiasts with 1,000 Rescues Initiated in Canada – over 3,500 Rescues Worldwide

Proven and essential safety gear, SPOT devices provide affordable and reliable connectivity, S.O.S. notifications, and real-time GPS tracking, completely independent of cellular coverage Highlights: – SPOT satellite devices have been used to initiate 1,000 rescues in Canada since 2007; over 3,500 worldwide. – SPOT gained 12,000 new Canadian users in 2014; 55,000 worldwide. – B.C., Alberta and Nunavut account for the majority of SPOT rescue incidents to date.