Easy and time-saving field device configuration and simplified updating of the field device firmware with Softing-s FG-110 FF

Softing-s Modbus Gateway and Linking Device FG-110 FF for the integration of FOUNDATION fieldbus segments in existing plants and in Modbus control systems has been enhanced with two new features "Configuration Upload" and "Firmware Download". The new features will significantly simplify the configuration effort needed to expand an H1 system and enable system integrators and control engineers to update the field device firmware from a central location.

The new Configuration U

New DTM for Softing’s Modbus to FOUNDATION fieldbus Gateways

New DTM for Softing’s Modbus to FOUNDATION fieldbus Gateways

Softing has released version 1.30 of the FF HSE/LD CommDTM for its FOUNDATION fieldbus (FF) to Modbus Gateways. The new version conforms to the Field Device Tool (FDT) specification 1.2 and can be used without a specific software or hardware key. The easy-to-use software consists of a FF High Speed Ethernet (HSE) Communication DTM and a FF Linking Device (LD) Gateway DTM and supports the Microsoft Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 8 operation systems. It provides seamless integration into standa