World Mobile Holdings Inc. Obtained an Order From China

NEW YORK, NY — (Marketwire) — 06/12/12 — (PINKSHEETS: MCSC), a global leader in developing Image Transmission Devices (ITD) and various of Solutions Integration for major wireless carriers around the world, is pleased to announce the company has been cooperating with Zhenshen local SI ("KXD") to launch Signage Media Player Project and Surveillance System with Gansu China Mobile. The Media Player project is divided into three periods within 2 years with total revenue about $3M. The Reaches 1 Million Members Reaches 1 Million Members

TORONTO — (Marketwire) — 05/16/12 — today announced they have reached 1,000,000 Small Business Members and expanded its to over 12 million US businesses. Growing by over 20,000 new members per month, SaleSpider is a powerhouse in helping Small Businesses take their businesses to the next level.With over 1,000,000 members, doing lead generation and market research is easier than ever on As the site grows, members will continue to find more business connection

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