The building block principle for software testing: Part five of ISO 29119 provides instructions for keyword-driven testing

The building block principle for software testing: Part five of ISO 29119 provides instructions for keyword-driven testing

Moehrendorf, 24 February 2017 – Everybody, who used to play with building blocks as a child, knows: It’s easy to replace the blocks in a construction with other blocks in order to create something new. Keyword-driven testing turns this principle to account. Due to reusable elements, test automations become more flexible, efficient and maintenance-friendly. The newest part of the series of norms ISO/IEC/IEEE shows how to implement keyword-driven testing.

imbus hosted the ISO world: Meeting of the international work group „Software Testing“ in Moehrendorf

imbus hosted the ISO world: Meeting of the international work group „Software Testing“ in Moehrendorf

Moehrendorf, 29 January 2016 – Sydney, Rio de Janeiro, Mumbai: The Franconian village of Moehrendorf follows into the footsteps of these locations – that is, when it comes to the places where the international work group 26 “Software Testing” of the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC7 has already met. imbus, one of the leading solution providers for software quality assurance and testing, was the host of the week-long convention.