Securing Your Virtual Environment

By David Phillips, product manager, Wick Hill

So you have you a shiny new virtual environment up and running. You may have virtualised all your servers, so that your business-critical databases, CRM systems, ERP applications and email all reside in a virtual environment. It has been a long project, but now it is complete and you are experiencing the operational, performance and cost gains. Stop! Think! Have you covered all the bases? Have you thought about security?

David Phillips
David Ph

Holiday Gift Ideas for Guys

NEW YORK, NY — (Marketwired) — 12/16/13 — , Author of "Gadget Nation," offers some ideas for some great guy-friendly holiday gifts.If you-re looking to wow the kids and Dad too, check out , a fun racing game in which each car is like a robot with special abilities. Each car has artificial intelligence that allows them to move around the track — they even have weapons to make the race more exciting. Anki uses the iPhone or any iOS device as the controller.The projector is perfect

NSS Labs Tests Show Enterprise End Point Protection Solutions Improving Ability to Block Exploits, Evasions and Phishing Attacks

NSS Labs Tests Show Enterprise End Point Protection Solutions Improving Ability to Block Exploits, Evasions and Phishing Attacks

AUSTIN, TX — (Marketwire) — 02/25/13 — NSS Labs today released three new 2013 Corporate End Point Protection Comparative Analysis Reports, which evaluated 11 enterprise level end point protection (EPP) products to test their effectiveness in blocking exploits and evasions. While only 3 of the 11 vendors — McAfee, Kaspersky and Microsoft — scored 100% across all 6 types of evasion testing, the average score across all vendors increased to an average of 87% in 2013 testing, compared to 27% i