Kantar: 2016–s Early Holiday Sales Show Growth for iOS
Android Remains Dominant in China, iOS Makes Gains in Europe–s Largest Markets
Android Remains Dominant in China, iOS Makes Gains in Europe–s Largest Markets
Absence of iPhone 7 Headphone Jack is Non-Issue for Consumers; Nokia Brand Returns to Smartphones
Android retains market share lead around the world
iOS Increases 5.2 Percentage Points During Q3 2016, and Android Drops During Same Period
Before Halting Production of the Troubled Galaxy Note 7, Samsung Remained Number One in the US
Increased Demand for Lower-Cost Android Models; iPhone SE Sales Strong in UK
Android Experiences Year-on-Year Decline in US, iOS Lower in China
Apple iPhone SE Joins Top 10 List in US, GB, France, and China
In GB, iOS Returns to Growth for First Time Since October 2015
Increased Android Sales Attributed to Migration From Windows Phones in EU5, While Apple iOS Share Remained Steady