IXI-PCS Certified for bintec elmeg hybird
serVonic’s CTI-Software Successfully Tested at the Communication Solutions
serVonic’s CTI-Software Successfully Tested at the Communication Solutions
The Olching-based software development company serVonic has released the new version of its Professional Call Server: IXI-PCS 1.40 allows desktop sharing, provides an improved Meta Directory and supports Client TAPI.
Panasonic and serVonic now offer joint solutions in the fields of telephony: The Panasonic-systems provide professional communication servers in ISDN- and IP-environment to the customers; serVonic’s IXI-PCS Professional Call Server adds the CTI-features as well as presence management and instant messaging.
IXI-PCS Professional Call Server is available now in version 1.30. serVonic has equipped its software for CTI, Presence and Instant Messaging with fax sending directly out of the search feature, other features have been improved. Moreover, IXI-PCS has been released for Microsoft Lync Server 2013, other operating systems and PBX’s. IXI-Framework has been redesigned technically.
The new version 1.21 of IXI-PCS Professional Call Server is available now. serVonic’s software for CTI, Presence Management and Instant Messaging provides new as well as improved features and has been released for additional PBX-variants.