New IT solution uncovers fraud in factoring
The DOC.pilot IT tool detects indications of possible forged invoices / Factoring fraudsters cause millions of Euros of losses / More security in factoring
The DOC.pilot IT tool detects indications of possible forged invoices / Factoring fraudsters cause millions of Euros of losses / More security in factoring
Medication Authentication in Europe
• EMVO relies on arvato Systems’ IT expertise
• International use of the Blueprint system for implementation of the EU Falsified Medicines Directive
Efficient solution for automated process and ICS controls
• Product development from arvato Systems meets high standards for technical quality
• arvato Monitor for Internal Controls reduces workload and speeds up processes
Serialization in the production of medicinal products
• arvato Systems and the GUS Group enter into a strategic partnership in the pharmaceutical field
• arvato Systems and the GUS Group provide pharmaceutical companies with a comprehensive IT solution to meet current global serialization requirements
Serialization of pharmaceutical packaging
• arvato Systems and OCS Checkweighers enter into a strategic partnership
• Development and implementation of a comprehensive IT solution to meet both current and future challenges in the context of the global serialization requirements in the pharmaceuticals industry