SmartMetric-s Patent Infringement Lawsuit Against Visa and Mastercard Set by the Court for a Hearing by Jury in September 2013

SmartMetric-s Patent Infringement Lawsuit Against Visa and Mastercard Set by the Court for a Hearing by Jury in September 2013

BAY HARBOR, FL — (Marketwire) — 01/09/13 — SmartMetric, Inc. (OTCQB: SMME) — Speaking today, The President and CEO of SmartMetric, Inc., Ms. Chaya C. Hendrick, said, "SmartMetric, Inc. is looking forward to its trial by jury against Visa and MasterCard for what SmartMetric alleges as serious infringement of its -464- Patent."The "464" Patent, issued by the United States Patent Office and owned in full by SmartMetric, Inc., deals with data cards such as smartcards that ar

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SmartMetric, Inc. Is Planning to Launch Direct to the Public a Plug and Play Portable Electronic Medical Records Device That Can Store Medical Records Including Images and X-Rays That Can Be Carried on Your Keyring and Connects to Any PC USB Anywhere in t

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