CAMPBELL, CA — (Marketwire) — 08/31/11 — Market research firm today released excerpts from its August report, which tracks fixed-line and wireless service delivery platform (SDP) software and services used by operators to create and deliver services to their subscribers."While operators- interest in application programming interface (API) exposure continues to be a major contributor to SDP investments, we-re seeing those strategies becoming increasingly sophisticated. Operators are r
CAMPBELL, CA — (Marketwire) — 08/04/11 — Market research firm today released excerpts from its annual vendor market share and forecast report. The report focuses on India, the Middle East, Western Europe, Eastern and Central Europe — key markets using Gigabit (GPON) equipment to provide broadband access to subscribers. The report tracks 2.5 GPON and optical line terminals () and optical network terminals () used in fiber-to-the-business ()/multi dwelling units (MxU) and fiber-to-the-ho