WebsiteService4All has defied convention in the Website Services market with the release of its new Free Website Maintenance Trial service. Further information can be found at
Lucid Leverage releases information on how its new Video Production Services will change things in the Online Reputation Management space for the better. Further information can be found at
Desired Source has updated its Yellow no tie shoelaces to provide a new color to new customers and old. Further information can be found at releases information on how its new WordPress Plugin will change things in the Online Publishing space for the better. Further information can be found at
Magic Submitter has defied convention in the traffic market with the release of its article submitter. Further information can be found at
GlobalLogic has updated its Offer Name to provide New Benefit to new customers and old. Further information can be found at
Maid Complete is celebrating the launch of their new house cleaning service in Sacramento California by giving away free cleanings to the first three people to book online. Further information can be found at
Ocea Creations has defied convention in the Mermaid Tail market with the release of their first product. Further information can be found at and
iRelease, a new Sedona Method app by Sedona Releasing Worldwide is available to help with depression, stress and anxiety this holiday season. Further information can be found at
Zapable has defied convention in the ZAPABLE-EVOLUTION market with the release of Zapable Evolution Further information can be found at