Spigit Welcomes New Board Member

Larry Freed Joins Board of Directors Amidst Rapid Growth, $13M in Investor Funding
Larry Freed Joins Board of Directors Amidst Rapid Growth, $13M in Investor Funding
Unilever Foundry Uses Award-Winning Spigit Crowdsourcing Software to Enable Global Innovation Efforts
UNHCR Leverages Spigit to Drive Ideas, Innovative Solutions to Help People of Concern to UNHCR Worldwide
Review: Winner of the INTRA.NET Awards 2013
MAN Diesel & Turbo SE was awarded with the best global Intranet and won the we.CONECT INTRA.NET Award 2013.
SAN FRANCISCO, CA — (Marketwired) — 05/10/13 –, the global leader in enterprise innovation software, today announced that the company has experienced record growth in fiscal year 2012 and Q1 2013, attracting $10 million in new equity from Pico Holdings Inc.In the first quarter of 2013, Spigit added 15 new customers to its roster including Accenture, Enbridge, US Postal Service, Experian, Baker Hughes, Macy-s, TUI Travel and Daimler.Spigit closed 2012 with 93 percent in revenue growth to $17.4
Company Announces New Social Innovation Features That Help Customers Drive ROI
SAN FRANCISCO, CA — (Marketwire) — 10/30/12 –As part of its ongoing partnership with Yammer, Spigit, the global leader in Social Innovation software announced today its offering as a featured app in the newly announced Yammer App Directory.The Yammer App Directory was launched at this week to provide Yammer customers with an easy way to discover and install enterprise apps.The Spigit app gives companies a quick way to crowdsource answers and ideas from employees, customers and partners in t
Company in Hot Space Recognized by San Francisco Business Times and the Silicon Valley/San Jose Business Journal
Insights to Guide Use of Gamification to Increase User Engagement, Motivation and Loyalty
Mobile Web Application Helps Companies "Love Their Customers" on the Go