NEW SENresearch 4.0 Workshop in Warsaw, Poland
Our Polish distributor LABSOFT will organize a seminar and workshop on the new spectroscopic ellispometer SENresearch 4.0.
Our Polish distributor LABSOFT will organize a seminar and workshop on the new spectroscopic ellispometer SENresearch 4.0.
A one day seminar on the topic “Ellipsometry and Reflectometry for the characterization of thin films” was organized by SENTECH in Stuttgart, June 18, 2015. The seminar was focussed on innovations of SENTECH metrology as well as on new developments in science and technology. Invited speakers and SENTECH experts addressed topics from in situ process control, over nanotechnology to photovoltaics.
The SENresearch family represents the high end of SENTECH spectroscopic ellipsometers and includes the unique combination of FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) spectroscopy and multiplex diode array spectrometry for spectroscopic ellipsometry
Beginning from 2015, SENTECH Instruments has a new and stronger partner in Turkey and Middle East region, Fotonika Semiconductor Technologies Incorporated. Established as the successor of Labormed, Fotonika aims to improve SENTECH customers’ experience by providing deeper application and process support.
SENTECH new ALD Real Time Monitor was presented in Asia at the 3rd China ALD Conference. For the first time the patented monitor allows the direct monitoring of absorption and desorption processes on the substrate surface during ALD processes within ALD half cycles.
SENTECH as a worldwide leader in thin film measurement and plasma process technology organizes application oriented seminars on a regular basis. The most recent seminar “Ellipsometry and Reflectometry for characterizing thin films” was on thin film measurement.
SENTCH’s dedication to a broad application range for our spectroscopic ellipsometers gave rise to the new 2C-option for Müller Matrix Measurements. This smart option enables SENTECH spectroscopic ellipsometers SENresearch to measure all 16 Mueller Matrix elements with an accuracy of +/- 0.005.