V2 Cigs Pilot Sampling Program Takes Wing and Industry Follows

MIAMI, FL — (Marketwire) — 02/27/13 — V2 Cigs, America-s No. 1 , has pioneered a multi-channel sampling program that has e-cig companies following suit in the race for highly competitive retail space. Amid the explosive growth of electronic cigarettes, the V2 Cigs model has emerged as the industry standard.On Jan. 12, 2013, was the first e-cig company to launch a brick-and-mortar retail product-sampling campaign. Held at Pilot Food Stores in Tenn., the program featured demo teams that appro

VAPESTICK, One of the UK-s Most Widely Distributed Brands of Electronic Cigarettes Has Announced a Series of Major Range Upgrades to Be Launched in Q1 2013

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM — (Marketwire) — 01/03/13 — In January, -s entire range of rechargeable models will be upgraded from the traditional 3-piece design, up to a 2-piece design. This will be achieved with the introduction of high-tech -cartomisers- to all their existing models. Cartomisers combine -e-liquid- and an atomiser into a one sealed unit, which then connects directly to the battery and is ready for use. Once the e-liquid is used up, the cartomiser is simply replaced for a new one.