Real-time convergent billing unlocks revenues for new services

Real-time convergent billing unlocks revenues for new services

Paderborn (Germany), 21 December 2010: Real-time convergent billing will unlock revenues from new services and ease operators’ strains. Unifying all relevant processes within one single convergent billing platform will help to eliminate the chaos caused by multiple legacy systems in operation and the growing number of parallel business processes involved. Convergent billing simplifies the way in which operators can generate revenues from their subscribers or third party content providers. The s

Virtual wallet opens new revenue streams for mobile network operators

Virtual wallet opens new revenue streams for mobile network operators

Paderborn (Germany), 07 December 2010: Today-s mobile handsets, that are equipped for a variety of payment-related transactions, are the main driver for global growth in the mobile payment sector. Orga Systems, #1 choice for real-time charging and billing, supports this rapid change of the mobile industry by offering truly convergent services in the area of prepaid airtime distribution and mobile money services. The mobile payment solutions offer the option to sell "bundled" products i

MNOs need to change their role to cope with increase in connections

MNOs need to change their role to cope with increase in connections

Paderborn (Germany) 23 November 2010: Operators can realize enormous business opportunities in the machine-to-machine (M2M) market. Up to now, this business has somehow been there, but has not been evolved as the average revenue is quite low. Taking into account that the number of M2M connections is as large as
50 billion – compared to about 4 billion mobile handsets – this market will be a huge revenue source in the future. Orga Systems, #1 choice for real-time charging and billing, enables MN

Orga Systems offers premium business care services

Orga Systems offers premium business care services

Paderborn (Germany) 16 November 2010: Orga Systems delivers premium business care services to enable smooth and profitable operations for sustainable business growth. The level of highly professional support – standard, plus and max – enables tailored offerings to meet customers- requirements. Efficient "off the shelf"-support that is customized for individual needs as well as proactive services contribute to high-end availability.

Mobile Money Services enhance Customer Loyalty

Mobile Money Services enhance Customer Loyalty

Real-time based solutions secure operators profitability

Paderborn (Germany) 02 November 2010: Worldwide markets for mobile payments will experience exponential growth rates within the next years. This is because more and more payments are made via mobile phone – be it for digital goods, such as games, music or services, or physical goods, such as books, coffee or gifts. To secure their piece of the cake, operators have to enable their subscribers to charge online and offline products and servi

Mobility means real time

Mobility means real time

Connections are the future of communication

Paderborn (Germany) 26 October 2010: The future of communication is connections. This means that mobility equals real time. The communication world is shifting from disconnected to connected, making people to not only listen or receive, but to live conversation, making the change from isolated to social. Local mobile real time is connecting the world. Taking into account that today’s mobile phones are more powerful than the best computers have been ju

New revenue opportunities for Mobile Network Operators – Real-time rating, charging and policy management are changing telecoms business

New revenue opportunities for Mobile Network Operators – Real-time rating, charging and policy management are changing telecoms business

Paderborn (Germany) 19 October 2010: Handsets, using the widespread availability of mobile broadband, consuming bandwidth-intensive video content and applications, are causing operators serious problems. These problems are shrinking margins and rising network costs. Orga Systems, #1 choice for real-time charging and billing, provides a unique combination of real-time charging, billing and policy management that meets operators’ demands and customers’ wishes. This is the way to generate revenue f

Highest performance and scalability preventing revenue leakage – Long term partnership between Orga Systems and Tieto Signaling

Highest performance and scalability preventing revenue leakage – Long term partnership between Orga Systems and Tieto Signaling

Paderborn (Germany), 12 October 2010: Products from Orga Systems and Tieto fit perfectly together in mission critical systems, such as real-time charging and billing, where stability and reliability are extremely important. SS7 stacks over both E1/T1 and SIGTRAN carriers provided by Tieto are used in Orga Systems’ Messaging Systems and SCP (Service Control Point) for advanced IN (Intelligent Network) services. This enables real-time call control and online charging at the highest level of perfor

Exponential growth rates in mobile payments market

Paderborn (Germany) 05 October 2010: The communications industry is changing rapidly – the worldwide mobile payments market, for example, has experienced sustainable growth within the last five years. Today’s mobile handsets, being equipped to be used for a variety of payment-related transactions out of the box, are one reason for the growth in the mobile payment sector. Orga Systems’ mobile payments solutions are enabling true convergent services in the area of prepaid airtime distribution and