Prysmian Group Welcomes the European Commission–s Proposals for a Telecommunications Framework Fit for the Digital Age

The proposed reforms set out new broadband targets

SVP Vanhille: “The Commission has struck the right tone”

Milan, 15 September 2016 – Prysmian Group, world leader in the energy and telecom cable systems industry and owner of the only European technology for the production of optical fibre, welcomes the publication of the European Commission’s telecommunications review and its efforts to reform Europe’s telecoms rules to make them fit for the digital age. Prysmian is the worldwide leader in th

arvato Systems and Software AG enter into integration partnership

Shared System Integration Expertise in the Digital Age

• arvato Systems and Software AG join forces to create integrated solutions for Enterprise Application Integration
• Customers benefit from cross-platform shopping experience, personalized customer communications and goods delivered within a few hours of ordering
• The joint solution is based on aroma®, the arvato Order Management System and Software AG’s Digital Business Platform