Deutsche Telekom assures Corporate IP Broadband with MYCOM OSI

Deploys MYCOM OSI ProAssure digital services quality management
Deploys MYCOM OSI ProAssure digital services quality management
More collaboration among standards bodies and open source communities will be needed in order to achieve this, according to operator
Berlin, Germany. July 27, 2016: As the Broadband Forum held its quarterly meeting in Berlin, Deutsche Telekom’s 5G Executive Program Manager Antje Williams called for true convergence between fixed and mobile networks so that a seamless experience could be delivered to consumers.
Access-agnostic networks are a vital component in realizing the full potential of 5
Partnership Enables –German Mittelstand– Mid-Market Customers to Detect and Mitigate the Impact of a Breach
Deutsche Telekom and Icontrol Networks to Address New Opportunities in the Internet of Things
Company Rebrands, Hires CFO, Doubles Monthly Active Companies
Gary Jones, Bryan Sullivan and Cecilia Corbi to Champion Market Driven Specifications
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA — (Marketwire) — 02/04/13 — and , Canada-s Centre of Excellence for Wireless Commercialization and Research, today announced a long-term agreement to collaborate in developing the Machine-to-Machine (M2M) market in North America. As part of the collaboration, Wavefront supports Canadian wireless start-ups and small and medium companies with its accelerator program providing access to services including educational seminars, testing resources, advisory services an