NEW YORK, NY — (Marketwired) — 02/13/15 — Six years after a collapse in oil prices foreshadowed the 2008 financial crisis, investors and the financial professionals that serve them remain on high alert for similar unexpected and potentially wealth-killing events.A new White Paper () by HiddenLevers, the , draws upon the 2008-09 financial crisis and the current Oil Crash, among other economic heart attacks, to gauge the performance of HiddenLevers own statistical model.1. Model is accurate
NEW YORK, NY — (Marketwire) — 04/30/12 — , the risk management toolkit of choice for RIAs, Private Wealth and Family Offices, now offers portfolio integration with TD Ameritrade-s Veo platform. This marks the first time that TD has integrated risk management software. TD Advisors can now easily import portfolios into HiddenLevers to quantify the impact of forward-looking economic scenarios on clients- holdings. TD also makes HiddenLevers available through its Soft Dollars program."By i