McObject-s New eXtremeDB Cluster Provides a Powerful Distributed Database Solution for Real-Time Applications

McObject-s New eXtremeDB Cluster Provides a Powerful Distributed Database Solution for Real-Time Applications

ISSAQUAH, WA — (Marketwire) — 07/19/11 — McObject®, provider of innovative high performance database technology, announced the release of eXtremeDB® Cluster, the first clustering database system built from the ground up for distributed embedded software as well as real-time enterprise applications. eXtremeDB Cluster manages data stores across multiple hardware nodes, dramatically increasing the net processing power available for data management, reducing system expansion costs, and

PublicSQL allows SQL Queries in JavaScript

A new Open Source SQL Alternative

Germany, November 12, 2010. The existing development of Databases for use in web-Applications requires large server-Databases like Mysql and MS sql.
PublicSQL allows users to run SQL services without using a SQL database server. To achieve this, we use a special internal table format – “Portable Table Format” – to allow for SQL Queries directly in JavaScript.