Inoapps Included On GCloud 8

Inoapps Included On GCloud 8

Oracle Platinum Partner Inoapps ( has been appointed as a supplier to the UK Government’s G-Cloud 8, the most recent iteration of the Crown Commercial Service–s procurement framework for Cloud based computer services, hosted via the Digital Marketplace. The Crown Commercial Service works closely with departments and organisations across the public sector, ensuring that maximum value is extracted from every commercial relationship.

Inoapps has received widespread industry accla

Digital Courtrooms Selected For G-Cloud 8

Digital Courtrooms Selected For G-Cloud 8

Leading UK court technology innovator Digital Courtrooms ( is now available as a supplier on G-Cloud 8, the Crown Commercial Service–s procurement framework for Cloud based computer services, hosted via the Digital Marketplace.

The Crown Commercial Service (CCS) works with both departments and organisations across the whole of the public sector to ensure maximum value is extracted from every commercial relationship and to improve the quality of service delivery. Th