NEW YORK, NY — (Marketwired) — 02/26/15 — SmartMetric, Inc. (OTCQB: SMME) — While much has been written about of recent about the use of mobile phones as a payment device a little understood revolution is taking place with that little piece of plastic inside your wallet. Spearheaded by technology innovation, SmartMetric has turned the humble plastic card into a mobile device in its own right.Working off standard smartcard technology SmartMetric has been able to embed inside the card the kin
NEW YORK, NY — (Marketwired) — 02/23/15 — SmartMetric, Inc. (OTCQB: SMME) – SmartMetric has developed a biometric fingerprint scanner that fits inside a credit or debit card that is used for the ultimate protection against identity and payments card theft. According to the company they have achieved creating a fully functional fingerprint reader that sits inside the user–s credit card and is powered by a rechargeable battery.The SmartMetric Biometric payments card works with the new chip ca
NEW YORK, NY — (Marketwired) — 02/20/15 — SmartMetric, Inc. (OTCQB: SMME) Figures released by standards body EMVCo demonstrate continued adoption of "EMV" chip technology with 2.37 billion EMV payment cards in circulation and 36.9 million EMV terminals active worldwide. Credit and Debit cards with chips used to add greater security now dominate the payments card industry. SmartMetric adds stronger security to these cards by adding a biometric fingerprint reader inside the card, mak
NEW YORK, NY — (Marketwired) — 02/17/15 — SmartMetric, Inc. (OTCQB: SMME) — Based on research figures released by Javelin Research and the U.S. Department of Justice 78.750 Billion dollars 1 in 4 victims of data theft become victims of Identity Theft. The report also states that for these victims of Identity Theft, the average financial loss per identity theft incident is $4,930.Taking the data theft incident at Anthem Insurance of more than 70 million individual records a few weeks ago, th
NEW YORK, NY — (Marketwired) — 02/10/15 — SmartMetric, Inc. (OTCQB: SMME) A study conducted by Javelin Strategy & Research found consumers who had their Social Security number compromised in a data breach were 5 times more likely to be a fraud victim than an average consumer. Another report states that identity theft victims suffer on average $4,930 loss per victim. So the economic consequences of the most recent data breach could run into the hundreds of millions for the innocent affect
NEW YORK, NY — (Marketwired) — 02/05/15 — SmartMetric Inc. (OTCQB: SMME) — One in three consumers who received notification of a data breach became a victim of fraud. There are more than a million new victims of identity theft every month in the United States. In a report from the National Consumers League it found in 2013 nearly one in three data breaches resulted in fraud; that–s up from one in nine in 2010.What is even more frightening, with the 200 million file records stolen last year
NEW YORK, NY — (Marketwired) — 01/30/15 — SmartMetric Inc. (OTCQB: SMME) — According to a security research report by Drop Lab the mobile wallet of Apple Pay is in fact making card fraud easier. The Drop Labs– report says scammers have gone with a much more low-tech way to take advantage of Apple Pay. Instead of hacking the hardware, fraudsters are just buying stolen consumer identities, complete with credit card info, and loading that into Apple Pay. This allows them to create a fake digi
NEW YORK, NY — (Marketwired) — 01/26/15 — SmartMetric, Inc. (OTCQB: SMME) — Latest security research by independent security experts in both the United Kingdom and Germany have revealed that the old smart technology that is at the heart of the EMV chip cards is vulnerable to attack. According to the President & CEO of SmartMetric, Inc., the vulnerability of EMV cards is due to old technology being deployed that is not just 10 steps behind today–s fraudsters but 100 steps behind. Chaya
NEW YORK, NY — (Marketwired) — 01/19/15 — SmartMetric Inc. (OTCQB: SMME) Following in the wake of almost daily corporate network intrusions causing serious data theft, SmartMetric has turned its research and development of its biometric activated credit card to the field of computer and computer network access control.SmartMetric has developed a self powered rechargeable computer access control and user verification card that uses the computer operator–s fingerprint to activate and validate
NEW YORK, NY — (Marketwired) — 01/15/15 — SmartMetric Inc. (OTCQB: SMME) The creator of the fingerprint activated credit and debit card SmartMetric has created an advanced biometric security card for employees that is designed to use biometrics to guard access to the corporate network, physical entry into buildings and identity confirmation at the security desk. Using its advanced miniature "in-card" biometric fingerprint scanner the self powered card with an in built rechargeable