[London. England and St. Petersburg, Florida – 15 June 2017] The European IT market has surged in the first quarter, says the Global Technology Distribution Council (GTDC), looking at the sales through distribution in the first three months of 2017.
â‹FanMarketer, a new app launched by Ankur Shukla, helps its users to gain more traffic to their sites, as well as more leads and sales. The app runs while on auto-pilot increases the number of likes and fans on a business– social channels.
Panasonic Business has created a showcase of its future technology at the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) in Coventry, with many of the systems on show in Europe for the first time.
In response to recent market listening activities Panasonic invited over 100 guests, representing some of Europe’s biggest companies, to see first-hand a showcase of almost 50 different innovative technologies.
This followed a number of strategic initiatives which saw Panasonic engage with the market to iden
Malta, April 24, 2017 – InfiNet Wireless, the global leader in fixed broadband wireless connectivity, brought together 72 partners and customers from over 25 countries to Colombo, Sri Lanka, for its annual International Partner Conference last week.
1,710 million of economic value generated (+8%)
Emissions of ozone-depleting substances decreased by 6%
Human Rights Policy and whistleblowing programme launched
Strategy redefined according to the UN sustainable development goals
Scorecard setting 16 sustainability targets for 2020 prepared
SuperGoodProduct, a group of digital marketing professionals, announced the launch of Power Video Template, a new video marketing solution. Power Video Template is a collection of video templates that can be used to create effective business and commercial videos using only Microsoft PowerPoint.