MITRE Hosts Mass Innovation Nights in Bedford

MITRE Hosts Mass Innovation Nights in Bedford

BEDFORD, MA — (Marketwired) — 04/04/16 — Mass Innovation Nights and MITRE are partnering for the second time to produce the 85th Mass Innovation Nights event (#MIN85). The event will be held on Wednesday, April 13, 2016 from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm at the MITRE offices in Bedford (202 Burlington Road, Bedford MA). Mass Innovation Nights are free monthly product showcase and networking events in the greater Boston area. To attend, please ."Mass Innovation Nights offer a great opportunity for

Ron Pasek Joins NetApp as Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

SUNNYVALE, CA — (Marketwired) — 03/30/16 — NetApp, Inc. (NASDAQ: NTAP) today announced the appointment of Ron Pasek as executive vice president, chief financial officer (CFO). Pasek joins NetApp effective April 11, bringing more than 30 years of experience in financial management. Most recently, Pasek served as CFO of Altera Corporation, a worldwide provider of programmable logic devices.In January 2016, NetApp announced Jeffrey Bergmann as interim chief financial officer. Bergmann will now

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