Growing risks require better testing: imbus presents updated version of the trend study „The Future of Testing“

Growing risks require better testing: imbus presents updated version of the trend study „The Future of Testing“

Moehrendorf, 21 November 2017 – The speed of technological development increases rapidly. Whether it is bio-printing, cobots or polytronics: Technologies, which were classified as mere possibilities some years ago, have reached market maturity. Reason enough for an updated edition of the trend study “The Future of Testing”.

From RXVP to the interface in one’s head: Harry Sneed and Bernd Flessner present the highlights of testing history at Software-QS-Tag

From RXVP to the interface in one’s head: Harry Sneed and Bernd Flessner present the highlights of testing history at Software-QS-Tag

Moehrendorf, 25 October 2013 – In the early 1970s the Research Evaluation and Verification Package marked the beginning of the triumph of test automation. Today, the supply of tools is more versatile than ever. Could this development lead to the emancipation of tools? Testing pioneer Harry Sneed and futurologist Dr Bernd Flessner examine the history of test tools in their keynotes at the Software-QS-Tag.