Avista Utilities Successfully Replaces Legacy Customer System With Oracle Utility Solution

Avista Utilities Successfully Replaces Legacy Customer System With Oracle Utility Solution

REDWOOD SHORES, CA — (Marketwired) — 04/27/15 — Oracle (NYSE: ORCL) — Transitioning from a 20-year-old, homegrown customer information system to one that is more modern and comprehensive allows utilities to improve customer service, enhance financial performance, and adapt to a changing industry. Making this upgrade is no small endeavor, but Avista Utilities — which provides energy services and electricity to 362,000 customers and natural gas to 323,000 customers in Washington, Idaho, and

Oracle Utilities Network Management System Effectively Manages and Utilizes Data to Help Reduce Cost and Improve Grid Reliability

Oracle Utilities Network Management System Effectively Manages and Utilizes Data to Help Reduce Cost and Improve Grid Reliability

REDWOOD SHORES, CA — (Marketwired) — 04/22/15 — Electric utilities traditionally rely on delivering power generated from central plants connected to transmission grids that lead through the distribution network and ultimately to the customer. However, electric distribution is changing rapidly as consumers continue to adopt beyond-the-meter technology that can shape grid reliability and performance — pointing toward increased risks for utilities resistant to change. To help utilities embrace

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