mscripts(TM) Mobile Pharmacy Application Platform Adds Shopping Features and Family-Friendly Prescription Management

mscripts(TM) Mobile Pharmacy Application Platform Adds Shopping Features and Family-Friendly Prescription Management

SAN FRANCISCO, CA — (Marketwire) — 01/20/12 — mscripts, the leading provider of mobile applications for pharmacies, today announced at the Health Innovation Summit that it is adding new family-friendly shopping capabilities to its Mobile Pharmacy Application Platform. New features include proxy prescription management (allowing one person to manage prescriptions for multiple family members), integrated shopping lists, and upgrades to the mscripts Coupon Module."Pharmacies want to make

New to Motherhood? There-s an App for That

MISSION, KS — (Marketwire) — 01/06/12 — (Family Features) All moms need more time to handle their busy schedules — that-s a universal truth — but it could be argued that no one feels that cataclysmic time shift more than a first-time mother. Suddenly, there is little room for showering and sleeping, let alone for making grocery lists, keeping up with workout routines, planning weekly meals, or managing a household budget. The good news is that help is just a download away.According to &qu