MANAGUA, NICARAGUA — (Marketwire) — 12/13/12 — Accredited Business Consolidators Corp. (OTCQB: ACDU) provides this update to its shareholders in response to inquiries.Many shareholders have inquired into the purchase of 135 acres of land on the Bay of Bluefields, Nicaragua. The parties have agreed on a final price and have executed all documents, but because of holidays in Nicaragua, it is unlikely that the purchase will be finalized until early 2013. The land can be viewed at ACDU-s Bluefie
NEW YORK, NY — (Marketwire) — 10/08/12 — Accredited Transcription Corp. previously acquired full ownership of United States Patent 6,298,328. ATC retained the Law Offices of Randall S. Newman, P.C., of New York, to protect its intellectual rights. Attorney Newman, licensed to practice in New York, New Jersey, and California, possesses significant federal court and class action experience. Attorney Newman will assist ATC in locating entities that are infringing on its patent, serving appropri
PHILADELPHIA, PA — (Marketwire) — 10/03/12 — Accredited Transcription Corp. previously acquired 66.6% ownership of United States Patent 6,298,328. Today, ATC announced that it acquired the remaining 33.4% of the patent. The invention consists of an off-site transcription system whereby the user speaks and the voice is transmitted to an off-site data site and converted into text.ATC-s position is that the technology is being infringed upon by several major entities and that the company is ent