CoCreate’s Personal Edition an International Success

CoCreate’s Personal Edition an International Success

Free 3D CAD program extended, no planned end date

FORT COLLINS, Colo. and SINDELFINGEN, Germany – September 7, 2007 – CoCreate Software, Inc., a leading provider of 3rd generation PLM software applications for high-tech electronics and machinery, today announced the extension of its international free 3D CAD program – CoCreate OneSpace Modeling Personal Edition (PE).

AutoProfiles 2.0 update: Profile Scheduler for business people now includes Bluetooth scheduler

AutoProfiles 2.0 update: Profile Scheduler for business people now includes Bluetooth scheduler

Company Name SymbianGuru
Email Address
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SymbianGuru made an update of its profile scheduler. AutoProfiles 2.0 for Series 60 v3 devices were released on 30.08.2007.

New version of AutoProfiles has integrated Bluetooth scheduler. Now it is possible to change Bluetooth status with or without changing mobile profile and based on the individual schedule.

Also, new version has extended trial period of 10 days and now c

Office Outlook 95 to 2007 – Efficient MS Outlook Networking for small and medium sized enterprises.

Office Outlook 95 to 2007 – Efficient MS Outlook Networking for small and medium sized enterprises.

With its unique combination of knowledge and skills, the German
enterprise Quester is an indispensable partner for companies that
want to benefit from the advantages of an effective MS Outlook
network. For this purpose, Quester offers its highly innovative product‘OLfolders’, which makes the application of exchange servers unnecessary.

Convertible notebook for industrial and military users with Intel Core Duo technology

Convertible notebook for industrial and military users with Intel Core Duo technology

With the Victum-Note V-Series, Acturion Datasys presents a groundbreaking new PC which combines the best of two worlds – a notebook PC and a tablet PC in one unit

Acturion Datasys, one of the leading system vendors in the field of industrial and military mobile computing, releases two new outdoor convertible PCs; the Victum-Note V10 and the Victum-Note V12. The V-Series can be used either as standard notebook PC with keyboard or as a Tablet PC with touch screen. The Victum-Note V-Series can be