DAILY RFID has launched the latest RFID laundry tag-07, which can survive washing, ironing and pressing at least hundred times to improve efficiencies and provide higher inventory accuracy. This disc laundry tag is small, but robust enough for laundry, cleansing and high temperature applications.
Media coverage of injuries in US children related to battery
swallowing has shown the importance of battery safety in product
design. SGS has the expertise to assist manufacturers to meet
safety standards.
The new E-Plate VIEW 96 from Roche (SIX: RO, ROG; OTCQX: RHHBY) offers the first time possibility to combine label-free real-time monitoring of cells with visual inspection in one device. E-Plate VIEW 96, a modified version of the E-Plate 96, is a single use, disposable device used for performing cell analysis assays on the Real-Time Cell Analyzer (RTCA) Single Plate (SP) and Multiple Plate (MP) Instruments. It enables for downstream or intermediate visual inspection of cells using microscope
DAILY RFID has released its latest RRU1861 UHF RFID Reader (long range RFID reader DL920) with an industrial standard read range of up to 15m. It is ideal for use in industrial applications, such as parking, access control, warehouse management applications, process automation.
One-stop sustainability solutions offered by SGS assist manufacturers to meet requirements of the new October 2009 EU Ecodesign Directive, which amends and replaces 2005/32/EC.
Backed by a network of product testing laboratories, SGS can assist suppliers and retailers to meet the challenges of market access by supporting their entire product development processes.
The development of “green solutions” has become an increasingly important priority for many companies. The SGS Ecodesign team can support you in your bid to access EU funding for your eco-innovation project.