Using Roche-s CASY Cell Counter and Analyzer for proliferation and viability measurement in cancer studies

In a recent study (1), Prokop et al. used the CASY Cell Counter and Analyzer from Roche Applied Science (SIX: RO, ROG; OTCQX: RHHBY) to identify the specific anticancer properties of a therapeutic substance in Burkitt-like lymphoma cells (BJAB cells). In addition to using the CASY system for multi-parameter quality control of the cell cultures, the team also brought the system to bear in examining apoptosis induction as early as 24 hours after treatment, i.e., before taking final measurements w

Nanion?s Patchliner exceptionally well received by academic ion channel core facilities

Nanion?s Patchliner exceptionally well received by academic ion channel core facilities

The new year has started well for Nanion; in the first weeks of 2011 more than five Patchliners were sold and shipped to academic institutions intended for advanced ion channel research and screening projects, and are soon to be followed by the first SyncroPatch 96 shipment and installation.
The Patchliner, a highly versatile patch clamp screening platform for increased throughput, has been on the market since 2006. Patchliner customers are evenly distributed over pharmaceutical industr