S4M showcases new features of EasyMedia PRO at IBC 2008

Media Analysis: Detailed information on the development of target groups

Cologne based systems and consulting company S4M – Solutions for Media has further broadened the possibilities of its media analysis system: EasyMedia PRO now allows a yet more detailed display of ratings development according to selected target groups. At IBC 2008 S4M presents for the first time the new features of the video-module „SyncView“.

EasyMedia PRO is S4M’s software solution for media research and analysis. It is employed by several public and private TV broadcasters in Germany and North America. The system provides handy and immediate ratings analysis. Information can be individually filtered, graphically displayed and studied via standard web browser.
SyncView is EasyMedia’s video module and combines ratings information with video: audience statistics are graphically displayed on the PC in combination with video from multiple TV programs airing simultaneously. At a glance, users may compass what’s showing on each channel along with the development of the corresponding ratings.
Now S4M has augmented SyncView’s options for visualizing ratings information, so that the module offers yet more flexibility. In combination with the corresponding video of the selected programs, users can also chose to have simultaneously shown graphics on the development of different target groups. Exactly how many and which target groups is individually determined. For example: Users may see the overall ratings development of the selected channels and at the same time the corresponding graphics representing the development in the range of the three to 13-year-olds, the 30- to 40-year-olds and the over 50-year-olds.
In addition, SyncView now proposes trends, calculated on the basis of the actual data: an arrow-shaped icon indicates how the ratings of a selected target group will develop in the short term.

At IBC 2008, S4M showcases the latest version of EasyMedia PRO: hall 3, boothB30.

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