CyberMonday Search Tips From Slingshot SEO: Finding the Best Deals Online

INDIANAPOLIS, IN — (Marketwire) — 11/17/11 — Slingshot SEO, the company dedicated to providing digital relevance to deserving brands, has a few tips for online shoppers this holiday season.

“The Monday after Thanksgiving, dubbed -CyberMonday,- has been called one of the busiest online shopping days of the year,” said Jeremy Dearringer, Chief Research Officer and co-founder of Slingshot SEO. “In 2010, there was more than $1 billion invested in online spending on that day alone. One Slingshot SEO client saw a jump of 272% in traffic on their site last year on CyberMonday, with an average client increase of 38%. Before making purchases online, there are some easy steps consumers should consider to get the right product at the best price.”

Google and Bing are the two most popular search engines, but for CyberMonday, there are a host of other specialty search sites, including and . and are also great shopping search sites for the big day.

The more detail you can provide, the better. Google and Bing love it when you mention specific brands in your search — for example, Cyber Monday Samsung Sears. If there-s a particular online store or brand out there that you are familiar with, mention it in your query.

You-ve been eyeing an item for a month — your research is done. You are certain that you-ve found the best deal online. So why abandon your shopping cart mid-purchase? Recognizing that many purchases are abandoned at this critical phase of the selling process, many online retailers will email you a coupon (an extra 10% off, free shipping) if you abandon your shopping cart just before completing your purchase. Give it a try.

If you are a retailer looking for ways to enhance your online presence for CyberMonday, be sure to check out this for a few easy steps you can still take to capture the crowd

Indianapolis-based Slingshot SEO was ranked #58 on the 2011 list of Inc-s 500 Fastest Growing Companies, and was #14 on the 2011 Tech200. Founded in 2006, Slingshot SEO provides services to more than 150 clients across the country. The company-s results are driven by a tireless passion to make deserving brands digitally relevant. For more information about Slingshot SEO and to read customer reviews, visit .

Kate Snedeker


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