New Search Engine by Q-Sensei Offers Free Access to More Than 2 Million Scholarly Articles

Melbourne, FL – In an effort to provide users with a more efficient way to search and navigate scholarly databases, Lalisio introduces the search and presentation engine from its parent company Q-Sensei. To further expand its offering, Lalisio has integrated arXiv and PubMed Central, two significant scholarly databases into its literature search service. arXiv and PubMed Central combined allow users free and direct access to more than two million scholarly articles.

arXiv provides access to papers from the fields of physics, mathematics, non-linear science, computer science, quantitative biology, and statistics. PubMed Central is a digital archive of biomedical and life science journals and is run by the U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH). Furthermore, Lalisio uses the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH, the National Library of Medicine-s controlled vocabulary thesaurus) to classify PubMed Central data, thereby enhancing the quality of the data.

The patented search and presentation engine by Q-Sensei offers quick and intuitive overviews of the contents of databases. It dynamically generates suggestions for search terms relevant to the current stage of the search. Different from any other search engine, the Q-Sensei Engine also allows users to “search within search suggestions” providing them with a much higher degree of freedom than any other search engine does.

Additionally, the engine connects various categories or “dimensions” of search suggestions (e.g. author, keyword, publisher, language, and year of publication) allowing for multi-dimensional browsing. By combining or removing search suggestions, users can conveniently adjust their search spectrum and better discover literature they otherwise might have missed.

“With the ever increasing amount of information available today, students, scholars, and professionals need a better tool to help them find the knowledge they need to generate additional ideas. Using our Q-Sensei enhanced services, knowledge seekers can better access a wider range of knowledge,” says Ute Rother, CEO of Q-Sensei and managing director of Lalisio. “And this is only the beginning. We will continue to work hard on expanding our offerings of searchable literature databases and our services for scholars worldwide.”

In sum, by using the Q-Sensei Engine, Lalisio offers users a better way to search and find literature. It offers three basic services:

– Quick Overviews over Different Kinds of Databases;
– Convenient to Use and Explorable Search Suggestions;
– Multidimensional Searches.

These attributes are invaluable for anyone wanting to optimize the power of knowledge.

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