Quick search in abas Business Software

Using your time effectively
According to business statistics, most employees spend an average of 30 minutes per day to search for information. A modern ERP system considerably reduces the search duration. This effect can be further increased if the system, such as abas Business Software, contains comfortable search tools.

Full text search in abas ERP
Similar to well-established Internet search engines it is possible to carry out a full text search in the entire abas ERP system. In doing so it does not matter whether the search is structured or not. Terms are also searched in the entire ERP system. Example: searching for all products containing the word “thread”. Results are listed according to relevance. The abas search engine also searches for structured criteria. In doing so, users define characteristics which will restrict the search in advance. The “thread” from the unstructured search would then for example only be searched in the main warehouse.

Fuzzy search
The search engine also supports a search if a word has e.g. been misspelled. Despite incorrectly entered data, this so-called fuzzy search also provides results in which the search term occurs in a similar spelling. An advanced search can also be carried out in these results and the abas search engine will sort the hits according to individual sorting criteria.

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