As Facebook Reaches 1 Trillion Page Views Per Month, Inbound Marketing is an Important Method for Attracting Fans Advises Punch Communications

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM — (Marketwire) — 11/02/11 — With recent figures showing that Facebook has around 800 million users, over 50% of who log in every day and is generating around 1 trillion page views per month, businesses should now more than ever be utilising the platform to increase brand recognition and maximise visibility, advises PR, social media and , Punch Communications.

As a result of the enormous amount of traffic Facebook creates, inbound marketing techniques such as the distribution of quality content like white papers, articles and videos is a necessary practice in order to drive traffic to business pages, subsequently increasing brand recognition and visibility through Facebook -Likes- and fan engagement.

The continual distribution of such quality content, which provides fans with useful and interesting information, serves to increase a brand-s overall Edgerank score through fans sharing and -Liking- the content. This will in turn increase the likelihood of brand posts being displayed more prominently in a follower-s newsfeed – further increasing the visibility of the brand and it-s message.

Pete Goold, Managing Director at and social media agency, Punch Communications said “Social media, namely Facebook provides companies with an incredibly powerful platform from which to generate engagement and acquire fans and potential customers. Furthermore, social media users are less receptive to obtrusive and forceful forms of promotion, with recent research revealing that around 84% of 25 to 34 year olds have actually left a website due to obtrusive advertisements.

“Social media however, offers a more subtle form of promotion that provides something of use and interest to fans. As a result fans will feel more inclined to engage and promote a brand that is offering them a service and quality content. The emphasis on the quality of the posting is also important, as increased sharing and distribution of the original content will serve to improve back linking and in turn search engine standings which is a key means of lead generation for many brands.”

“Sharing content that will earn a users attention is a process that takes consideration and time. Content needs to be deemed as shareable or useful enough for the user to -Like- it and in turn engage with the page. Without this engagement the entire process can be deemed a wasted exercise.”

If you are currently looking at to handle your next campaign then contact Punch Communications. A PR company with a client base spanning the globe, Punch Communications also specialises in SEO and social media outreach. For more information regarding Punch-s services, please visit , or call 01858 411 600.

Punch Communications
Pete Goold
+44 (0) 1858 411 600

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