Call for Participation: ipoque Internet Study 2008

Leipzig, July 3, 2008 – ipoque, provider of professional solutions for Internet traffic management and analysis, will shortly start to conduct a new Internet study and is still looking for participating network operators to broaden the scope of the analysis. As in the past two studies of 2006 and 2007, all traffic will be classified by application using ipoque-s proven deep packet inspection engine. For the applications with the highest data volume such as peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing, the analysis will also take into account the content being transferred.

Free Download of ipoque-s Internet Study 2007
ipoque-s Internet Study 2007 has revealed unparalleled information about application usage and popular Internet content in five regions of the world. More than three petabytes of traffic representing over one million subscribers were analyzed. The results for the different regions varied considerably. P2P produced, on average, between 49 and 83 percent of all Internet traffic with nighttime peaks of over 95 percent. About 20 percent of P2P traffic was encrypted – a value expected to have increased significantly since. Skype was by far the most popular Internet telephony service – a result most likely to hold this year. The Internet Study 2007 will be available as a free download immediately from ipoque-s homepage.

Options for Participation and Benefits
Most of the Internet service providers who participated last year will again take part in this large-scale study. For an even larger scope, ipoque is looking for additional network operators. All they will have to do is install a PRX Traffic Manager, ipoque-s DPI bandwidth management system, either inline or passively using mirror or tap ports, in their networks.
Participants will get a significant discount on the purchase of all PRX Traffic Managers used for the study plus a complementary three-year bronze support package. A limited number of systems is available on loan for the duration of the measurements.

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